Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I have started adding new items to my easy shop and am still at junk Evolution (528 East Colfax Ave, South Bend, IN) through this weekend.  Perfect fall accessories!  You can start early at the corner of Hill and Colfax because they open at 10am (Art Beat goes from noon until 8PM).

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Environmental Designs

One doesn't
discover new
land without
loosing sight of
the shore…


I start a new career next Tuesday.  I get to share my passion for design and sustainability with some hungry minds.  Ivy Tech Environmental Designs has offered me a position.  I'm honored to be working with sone very talented people.  Dr. Kent has turned this program into more than just Interior Design, and now other colleges are following suit.  It just might be the reason she was honored with "Teacher of the Year" out of all the Ivy Tech Campuses.  The program has come so far since I went to Ivy Tech, so I'm also looking forward to adding some classes like cad to my bucket list.

Interior Design has gone beyond the walls and into the yard and exterior of the home to incorporate outdoor living spaces and continuity as well as  sustainability, by using products that are safe for people and the earth and thats why it's now called Environmental Design.

I'm only working two days a week so hopefully I'll be able to spend more time on my easy shop (so sorry it's been empty for awhile, my work is at junk Evolution until the end of the month).  I will also have time to work on freelance design work.  

Here's a peek at our design center:

Student Desk

Class/lecture area
Dr. Kathryn Kent (Dean of Env. Design)

Cheryl King -15 years teaching at Ivy Tech

Friday, August 14, 2015

Just a Ramble

I am feeling so humbled and blessed of late.  It just goes without saying that if you are patient enough to wait, God will bless you.  Unbelievable goodness is happening.  When you are finally on the path you should be walking, good things just seem to fall into place.   Its an overwhelming warm happy feeling.  Thats all I have to say right now. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Coolest App

The dark path
Danny Seo is one of my green hero's and he writes a column for the news paper.  He mentioned a new app that repels mosquito's.  The sound frequency is very high and the females (who bite) don't like it.  West Nile Virus has been found in our Northern Indiana town but I don't like to load my body up with chemicals like Deet, so this was worth a shot.

I got to try it out first hand in the woods right by a river.  It has been one rainy summer so let me tell you, they were horrible!  I held it close to my face as they were buzzing all over my head and Ed sprinted on a head to get out quick.  He was all bitten up and I only got 1 bite.  So I'm sold!

If you don't have a smart phone here are some healthy alternatives.

Have a great week!


Monday, August 3, 2015

You are cordially invited...

I've been a busy bee making jewelry for junk Evolution, as I was invited to be their guest Artist for August and to celebrate Arts Alive for DTSB on First Friday.  Here's their newsletter for more information.